Matthew 11:7-9 NIVUK  –

As I sit at the end of my vacation in USA I reflect on this passage. 

Our expectations and initial perceptions can so easily colour how we respond when we first meet someone for the first time. It is always why, that if someone tells me about someone I am about to meet but not met yet and especially if it is not favourable I always put it to one side as I don’t want to be coloured by a thought that may or may not be correct. 

Here John’s disciples were asking of Jesus aquiring if he is the one expected after John. Jesus turns the question to the crowds asking what they expected to find in John the Baptist?

In searching for truth it appears to me there are three types of people that we look for:

1/ nature only; a reed swayed by the wind – i love taking walks in nature and yes we often see the beauty of creation, but on its own it is not enough.

2/ eloquent and finely dressed; “…man dressed in fine clothes?” – are you impressed merelly by what you see? The ability of the preacher who looks finely dressed and speaks well? I wonder running to the latest eloquent preacher rather than running to God yourself or hearing God speak through those he has already put in your life!

3/ God sends the ordinary, “A prophet? …more than a prophet.” It’s interesting that we know John the Baptist was not dressed in fine clothes and even had seemingly strange habbits yet God used him to prepare the way for Jesus’ message to be received! Today, don’t merely run to the next fad of christian prophets visiting your town but instead run to Jesus & look around you to see who God may have put in your life today who will speak that word in season into your life today. 

I love nature, I love hearing a good preacher and a prophetic word but remember today if you know Jesus you can run to him, dig deep into his word and ask the Holy Spirit for his word to you today. The Lord will use who he wants to confirm it to you or maybe just give you peace beyond understanding for your situation.

Matthew 11:7-9 NIVUK

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